GIS Connect

Promoting Mentorship in GIS

To inspire mentorship in GIScience, we've created a video-based seminar series featuring women scholars. We seek to better connect & engage the community.

Video Series:
Bookshelf & Paper Chats

The 2020 GISConnect video seminar series features outstanding women in the field of GIScience. These women will share favorite books from their bookshelf or a journal article that inspired them and these videos will be posted publicly on YouTube. Community members can use this valuable alternative media series in class & share videos with friends.

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Events & Updates

At GIS Day 2019 events across the country, we celebrated GIS women+ by expanding workshops, talks, and more. Check out highlights from Auburn U, Georgia Tech, and UChicago.

Thanks for joining our viewing party last April at the virtual AAG. Check back for more events!

Contact Us

Team Members:
Clio Andris (Georgia Tech),
Marynia Kolak (U of Chicago), & Stephanie Rogers (Auburn U)

GISConnect is sponsored by the Carolyn Merry Mini-Grant program administered by TRELIS (Training and retaining women in STEM-Geospatial Sciences)
